Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Why Islam Needs a Reformation
Ayaan is a very brave woman who has lived the horrors of Islam. In her famous book - Infidel she details her life as a Muslim including in horrifying detail her circumcision. She is under threat of death by A-Qaeda and was forced out of the Netherlands by the government under the flimsy excuse that her immigration papers were falsified. (Both books available at Amazon.)
Ayaan Hirsi Ali a very important apostate of Islam has written an book: “Why Islam Needs a Reformation.”
In Part 1 of this article, Islam and Its Reformation by Muhammad, discussing Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s latest book, Heretic, I wrote about her illusion—that there are actually two different Islams, the Mecca Islam and the Medina:
“What Ayaan Hirsi Ali does not realize is that Muhammad was not only the Founder of Islam, he was also its Reformer, and Muhammad's Reformation of Islam came in the form of his abrogation of the earlier Mecca verses of the Quran by the later Medina verses. This article traces Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina, and the attendant transformation of Islam”
In Part 2, I discuss the difficulty, if not impossibility, of reforming Islam.
In Heretic, she categorically declares:
“Islam is not a religion of peace... the call to violence and the justification for it are explicitly stated in the sacred texts of Islam. Moreover, this theologically sanctioned violence is there to be activated by any number of offenses, including but not limited to apostasy, adultery, blasphemy and even something as vague as threats to family honor or to the honor of Islam itself.”
“As I see it, the fundamental problem is that the majority of otherwise peaceful and law-abiding Muslims are unwilling to acknowledge, much less to repudiate, the theological warrant for intolerance and violence embedded in their own religious texts. It simply will not do for Muslims to claim that their religion has been “hijacked” by extremists. The killers of Islamic State and Nigeria’s Boko Haram cite the same religious texts that every other Muslim in the world considers sacrosanct.”
These words most accurately encapsulate the truth and reality of Islam. But then she ambles into the optimism that Islam can actually be reformed. This may create dangerous illusion of a false sense of security among the kafirs. While we all would love to see that Islam achieves a inclined-toward-peace Reformation, we must also be on guard to the possibility that Islam can never achieve such a Reformation.
It is fundamental to Islam that the dictates and ideas of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad's tradition are of moral perfection. Muslims believe that EVERY word of the Quran was descended verbatim from the Almighty God, which can never be altered by mortal human beings.
The problem of Reformation of Islam, as desired by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is that it will require altering, nay condemning, many ideas and dictates of Allah as outlined in the Quran. For example, the Quran is filled with numerous immoral commands and teachings, for instance: child molestation (65:4), sex-slavery and rape (4:3, 4:24), torture (22.19-22), whipping adulterers (24.2), amputation and crucifixion (5:33), beheadings and mass murder (8:12, 47:4, 2:191, 9:5, 8.67, 7.4), genocide (8.17), killing and terrorizing kafirs (47.4, 8.60, 3.151), wife beating (4:34), inferiority of women (2.228, 4.11, 4.176), women as sex objects (2.223), and accession to an orgy-filled immoral paradise as reward for Muslim men who kill kafirs in Jihad (9.111), theft and robbery (Chapter 8 on Booty), forcible submission of other religions to Islam (2.103, 2.286, 3.19, 48.16).
For example, Allah says verbatim in Quran 47.4:
“So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah – never will He waste their deeds.”
For a believing Muslims, the horrendous, blood-curdling commands entailed in verses of the Quran like this are the very words from Almighty Creator Allah's mouth, which no mortal humans can ever dispute and question. And for a meaningful Reformation of Islam to occur, entire verses like this will have to be roundedly condemned and obliterated from the Muslim holy book. And there are no end to such verses in the Quran containing objectionable ideas, teachings and commands.
How can anybody believe that God spoke these words to poor Angel Gabriel turning him from our Guardian Angel into an angel of Death. There are 87 immoral words of depravity here. This is just 1 verse. Therefore ALL Islam is fraudulent.
When Ayaan Hirsi Ali is recommending a Reformation of Islam, she is literally suggesting that verses such as these, which constitute the larger portion of the holy Quran, be obliterated for eternity. The question is: Under what authority does Ayaan Hirsi Ali recommends the obliteration of Almighty Allah's eternal teachings and commands from the holy Quran?
And under what power can anyone carry out those obliterations to turn the Quran into a meaningless book of a mere few pages?
And which Muslim is going to accept those gross changes to the holy Quran?
Can Ayaan Hirsi Ali or anybody, who are optimistic about a meaningful Reformation of Islam, give a plausible answer to these questions?
Sure, there was a somewhat non-menacing Mecca phase in Islam, and then there was the militant and violent Medina phase. And I have related already in Part 1 that Prophet Muhammad had already successfully Reformed Islam with due authority and cooperation from the Almighty Allah during his prophetic years in Medina, whereby he declared the Mecca verses null and void through the verses of Abrogation, Quran 2:106. “Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We {Allah} abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?” and Quran 16:101 and made the Medina verses and its violent and barbaric teachings central, timeless and eternal in Islam.
This abrogation doctrine nullifies the earlier teachings, namely the pacifist Meccan revelations by the radicalized and militant later revelations of Medina, which turns Islam into an absolutely radical and militant religious faith. It gave Muslims no option to appeal to the apparently peaceful verses revealed in Mecca. All the previous peaceful and self defense verses were nullified or abrogated by the later revealed offensive Jihad verses, of which are 9:5 and 9:29 are prime examples. Whether this or that Muslim accepts this or not is irrelevant – we aren’t interested in the beliefs of individuals, but in what Islam itself teaches. Note that Surah Tawba (Sura 9) was the last (or one-from-last) surah that was recited by Muhammad before his death and after the conquest of Mecca. So the doctrine of this surah will be the last and final valid doctrine of Islam which will last till the end of this world. The Reformation of Islam is forever and cannot be changed or re-reformed in any way. Not even one word of the Quran can be altered. To check the chronology of Quran Surahs you can visit: http://www.qran.org/q-chrono.htm
For a detailed listing of the verses of the Quran that were canceled by the doctrine of abrogation, go to http://godofmoralperfection.com/new-page-34.htm.
In the process of self radicalization, 71 Suras - out of 114 - comprising 62.28% of all the suras of the Quran have had verses changed or deleted. (Abu Ja'afar al Nakhass ' al Nasikh wal Mansukh'). There are therefore only 43 later Surahs revealed inMedinathat have not had any of their verses changed.
Either EVERY word of the Quran is from God or none of it is from God. Period.
Then whose words are these pray tell.
Muhammad’s pray tell.
Every word of the Quran was from the brain and mouth of Muhammad. He was Allah AKA Muhammad.
But Islam is much more then the Quran. Islam is only 16% of this book - the other 84% is Muhammad’s life as recorded in the Hadith and Sira known as Sunna – Sacred Path.
The Quran is a fraud and so is Muhammad. Allah AKA Muhammad tells us that his prophet Muhammad AKA Allah is the most perfect human being he ever created.
"And verily, you (O Muhammad SAW) are on an exalted standard of character.”(Quran 68:4)
How convenient. Muhammad creates a verse telling the world that he is “exalted standard of character. This is repeated in (33:21) “a beautiful pattern (of conduct)”
God cannot have as his representative a criminal receiving divine teachings otherwise God is EQUALLY guilty in ALL the crimes committed by His criminal prophet.
ALL the Hadiths that outline the character and personality of Muhammad must be of moral perfection. Just as with the one word of immoral imperfection to negate the entire Quran as the word of God, if any actions or sayings of Muhammad in any of the Hadiths show any immorality, injustice or evil on his part, just one criminal act committed by Muhammad – just one word or act of hate, just one word or act degrading or denigrating women in any way, just one word or act degrading or denigrating any human being in any way, just one word or act of revenge, just one word or act of violence, just one act of leading or ordering or planning just one act of war, let alone ordering murder, massacres, rape, enslavement, booty, child molestation, sex slavery, stoning, maiming, terror, torture, just one word of invoking God justifying or ordering any of the above acts, then he was not a prophet of God but a fraud. Just one instance of immoral imperfection of Muhammad either by word or deed - just one immoral Hadith destroys the Moral Perfection of Muhammad and is enough to negate the claim of his prophethood and therefore Muhammad and all Islam are fraudulent.
But what we have in Muhammad was evil incarnate, evil par excellence, who lived his own Quranic teachings to the letter. He sexually molested and raped a child. This is an heinous act and then created Quran 65.4 giving the divine right to All Muslim men to rape Muslim baby girls. He murdered over 3,000 people and ordered 62 massacres personally participating in 27. He raped and gang raped and sold women ISIS style into sex slavery. He owned 40 slaves. The crimes of this man of EVIL PERFECTION are documented in 700 pages of Killing Prophet Muhammad at www.godofmoralperfection.com
Ayaan’s statement that Christianity was also a violent religion filled with many violent passages and quoting Obama; “Remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.” miss the point that these acts committed in the name of Christ were crimes against God whereas in Islam they are the eternal, divine laws of God. What makes Islam so disgustingly evil and ALL Muslims so disgustingly evil is that they utilize God to justify their heinous crimes against God and humanity.
What of Ayaan Hirsi assertion that only 3% of Muslims are from the violent Medina Islam while 97% are wonderful, peace loving people.
The reality is very simple.
When you belong to an evil ideology you are as evil as that ideology whether you personally commit acts of evil in the name of the ideology or not. Indeed you are as evil if not more eviler then the people committing these horrendous acts of evil. THEY ALSO SERVE WHO ONLY STAND AND WATCH.
This is like saying that because only 3% of Nazis actually tortured, killed, people then the other 97% were all wonderful peace loving Germans. The reality is that they were ALL evil.
Islam cannot be reformed any more then the Nazi ideology could be reformed. Muhammad and his Islam must be ostracized and eradicated from all humanity just as Hitler and his ideology was eradicated.
The only Reformation possible in Islam is: Whenever Muslim societies deviate from the militant and barbaric teachings of the Medina verses of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad's actions and examples, they can only go back to the Medina Islam, not away from it.
This is what Ayaan should be calling for. The total abandonment of Islam by Muslims - an intellectual jihad against the Quran and the Sunna of this madman. This book and the Sunna are the inspiration and religious justification for Muslim men to kill. As stated countless times in this work, the Quran is not the teachings of a God of Moral Perfection but of Muhammad and therefore it is a fraudulent book of mass evil, of mass murder and Islam is fraudulent. We don’t care if Muslims pray 5 times a day or 24 times a day, fast one month or 12 months a year, go on pilgrimage once in a lifetime or a dozen times. But this book - the Quran and the evil ideology of Islam must be totally ostracized by the West. Ostracization of Islam from society not it’s inclusion is the key to destroying Islam. You cannot accommodate, cater to, coexist with evil in a free society otherwise The Evil will overpower and conquer The Good.
We must call for the total equality of Muslim women with Muslim men, kafirs with Muslims, apostates, gays, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists etc with Muslims living in democracy and freedom under the democratic rule of law with the destruction of Sharia law otherwise - http://www.godofmoralperfection.com/new-page-24.htm
Tonight, Western Civilization is under assault not only from Islam but also from it’s own political, religious, intellectual, media elites who are demonizing Jesus, Christianity, Judaism, in an attempt to expunge all vestiges of what made the West – the West from our free societies and allying themselves with this very great evil. They are coating themselves in this evil and driving the Islamization of the West. These elites are utilizing the Rule of Law to impose Sharia Law as the Rule of Law.
Evil is a force like dark matter – you cannot see dark matter that comprises some 90% of the universe but scientists know that this matter exists. Evil exists and in order to survive like a hungry beast, evil needs evil to feed on. Islam is the hungry evil beast. If Islam conquers the West, a New Dark Age of barbarism will descent upon mankind from which humanity will never be able to emerge. Cranes will be brought into Western city centers to publicly hang adulterers. Murder, slaughter, torture will become the rule of law. Slavery will become a multi-national business. Women will be brutalized and lose their humanity. The light will be extinguished on the human race forever. Sitting on your bum is not an option.