Torture of women under the Islamic Republic regime |
This picture was sent to Dr. Homa Darabi from a woman in Iran.This picture was taken 20 days after she was lashed fifty times for being present at a family gathering where men other than her father and brother were present. Her crime? She is a single woman. It is forbidden for women to be present under the same roof with men other than their close relatives (father, brother and son) without proper hijab. |
74 lashes for women who are “un-Islamically” dressed

Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejehei, Iran’s public prosecutor announced: “Proper veiling and Islamic dress code that upholds women’s chastity and modesty is a public issue. Indubitably this is an absolute legal and Sharia matter that is a religious imperative. Being un-Islamically dressed is a crime.”
Citing legal cases related to crimes against public morals and ethics in the Islamic punishments that are handed down, he specified: “Article 638 of this law clarifies that if any woman acts indecently and against this religious regulation in public places, other than the punishment of 10 days to two months detention, they will also receive 74 lashes. Also according to the punitive laws that we set in place in the year 1365 (1986) any shop keeper, importer or distributor of clothes injurious to morality, will first receive a warning by the Ministry of Islamic Guidance; if it happens a second time they will be severely reprimanded, a third time they will be threatened and finally, the forth time, their shops and business will be fined, their shops and businesses shut down for a period of anywhere between 3 to 6 months and they will receive 10 to 20 lashes.”
International fury over Saudi Arabia's plans to behead woman accused of being a witch.
Being beheaded for the love of AntiGod Allah who loves us so much that we must lose our heads or be stoned, lashed, tortured.

Brutal: Saudi law punishes 'witches' by beheading them
Saudi Arabia's religious police plan to behead a woman accused of being a witch, a human rights group said yesterday.Human Rights Watch has asked the country's king to intervene over "absurd charges that have no basis in law".Fawza Falih was arrested and interrogated in the northern town of Quraiyat two years ago and was sentenced to death.The judges who convicted her relied on her forced confession and the statements of witnesses who said she had "bewitched" them.
One man claimed that he became impotent after Falih cast a spell on him.
Witchcraft is considered an offence against Islam in the conservative kingdom.
Falih retracted her confession in court, saying it was extracted under duress and that she could not understand the document because she is illiterate.
The death sentence was lifted on appeal, but reimposed in the name of "public interest" shortly afterwards.
The most frequent victims are women, who already suffer severe restrictions in their daily life.Last year, a woman was sentenced to a public lashing after being gang-raped by five men who found her in a car with a man who was not related to her - a crime in itself.The sentence was lifted after an international outcry.
But once we are all Muslims there will be no international outcry to stop these murderers.

This agency photo, dated January 2006, was captioned "Nur Azizah binti Hanafiah, 22, prepares to receive a caning after being found by a citizen having illegal sex with her boyfriend at her house".
On 20 January global news sources report that a 13 year old Saudi girl is sentenced to 90 lashes and two months imprisonment for having a hidden mobile (cell) phone at school, which is strictly against the all-girls school regulations. In fact, the article states that in order to teach all the girls at the school a lesson, she is to receive the flogging in in the presence of her fellow classmates. Now I am going out on a limb here since I do write posts in advance and I actually am composing this on 20 January. For starters I believe the media is overreacting as it is a sensational story as written. However I do not believe there will be an imprisonment. Could you imagine a 13 year old girl imprisoned for two months (yes, that’s 60 days) because she snuck a mobile phone to school? Is a young teenage girl getting caught with a hidden crime so heinous that she would be removed from school for two months in order to be exposed to tougher and hardened criminals for 60 days? I don’t think so. I also doubt whether she will receive 90 lashes. This is not the way to teach a lesson to a young female girl.
What would I suggest? I propose that if it is a strict rule that the school prohibits mobile phones then have the school withhold her mobile from her for 90 days rather than 90 lashes. And in regards to the two month imprisonment, perhaps having her write a daily essay of 100 words for 60 days on why it is important to follow the school rules. That is my view on the subject. And I hope by the time this post is posted we do know whether the initial proclamation was actually carried out as initially reported.
When a rape victim in a particular country receives 101 lashes and the rapist gets off scott-free, one can only assume that rape is condoned, and that message only encourages men to continue raping, knowing full well there will be no consequences for that violation. That’s the way it is in Bangladesh, and many other countries that re-victimize the victim by punishing them and not the rapists.
A 16-year-old Bangladeshi girl just received 101 lashes after it was revealed that she had become impregnated after being raped by 20-year-old Emamul Mia last April. At first she was reluctant to report the rape, because of the shame and stigma involved, although I’m sure much also had to do with the fact that rape victims are punishable by sharia law. But it wasn’t until she had been married off, after the attack, to a man in a neighbouring village, that it was discovered she was pregnant. Divorced after one month of marriage, the rape revealed, and forced to abort the child, the family of the rapist (and village elders) decided the girl and her family needed to be punished. So not only was a fatwa issued for the lashing, the father has also been fined 1,000. The rapist? Nothing.
Eight months after being raped, a 16-year-old at Khargor of Kasba upazila in Brahmanbaria had to receive 101 lashes as “punishment”.
A village arbitration found her guilty and issued the 101 lashes fatwa (religious edict) but left alleged rapist Enamul Mia, 20, untouched.
The arbitration also fined the victim’s father Tk 1,000 and issued another fatwa that her family would be forced into isolation if he failed to pay up
On January 17, the influential group arranged the arbitration at the yard of the victim.
At one stage of the inhuman torture, the girl collapsed and fainted. She regained her sense after two hours.
Ullashi presided over the arbitration while Wahid Mia, Basu Mia, Manik Mia, Shahjahan Mia, Dulal Mia, Maulana Md Kawser Mia, Imam of Gupinathpur Baro Mosque, Maulana Md Ishaque Mia, Imam of Khargor Jame Mosque, and a few others played key roles.
“Enamul has spoiled my life. I want justice,” said the girl as tears rolled down from her eyes. |